latest update 22nd December,
(click for Dutch version)
Tjitse Hofman, Poet
of Epibreren, father of two, was himself born below
a megalith typical to the region of Assen, shortly after
the oil crisis on 14th April 1974. He grew up in the
hamlet of Gasteren in Drenthe, also megalithic country,
and embarked on a great adventure dodging more megaliths.
to finally arrive in Groningen where he would unfinish
his studies, but learn all the more in the university
of life, working as a public gardener, night watchman,
telephone helpdesk operative, medicine courier, pub
landlord and barman. Currently, he works at a coffeeshop
(the well-known Dutch variety) for two days a week.
After publishing many volumes together with The Poets
of Epibreren, he made his solo debut with the book TV
2000 (Passage, 1999). In the autumn of 2003 the
follow-up appeared, entitled Roodvocht (Redjuice),
also published with Passage.
News just in, he would like to add he is a great fan of De Kift (also a Dutch poetry and music formation).
Click on the word 'bibliography' above or interviews for direct access to these. Please browse
for more information about Tjitse Hofman. CONTACT INTERNATIONAL BOOKINGS Dutch
Literary Productions and Translations Foundation PUBLISHER
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