Poet Laureate Election 2004

      latest update 23rd February 2004

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Simon Vinkenoog Second Dutch Poet Laureate

Rottend Staal Online

The by-election organized to find a second Dutch Poet Laureate after Gerrit Komrij stepped down a year early, has been won by Simon Vinkenoog with 21% (221 votes) of the total number of votes cast.

His term in office will last until 27th January 2005, when on the eve of National Poetry Day 2005, the third Poet Laureate will be announced for the regular term in office of 5 years, 2005-2010.

Simon Vinkenoog will be expected to provide poems for national occasions, such as disasters and celebrations. These poems will be premiered on Rottend Staal Online and then become available to the national presses. He is also expected to add at least one new word and one winged expression to the Dutch language.

Vinkenoog is planning to write a topical poem for Rottend Staal Online on a monthly basis.


Information: dalsum@epibreren.com

translation: Willem Groenewegen

With the kind support of VPRO's Boeken-site, Onze Taal, Taalpost, poezie.pagina.nl, Meander, Literatuurlinks.net, the Wintertuin, Dichter aan huis / Literair Paspoort, thePoëziemarathon, Passionate, het Boekblad, theTaalunie, the Hans Warren Homepage, Jan Marijnissen, Project Laurens Jz Coster, Stichting Underground Benelux (SUB), Literairnederland.nl, Vrij Medium Centrum Indymedia.nl, Poëzie Galerie Aanbeelden, Henk van Zuiden, olafkorder.punt.nl, www.mediawar.com, Forum.fok.nl and Schrijf.net Betax.
And the publishing houses Nijgh & van Ditmar, Uitgeverij Passage, Uitgeverij Podium and Uitgeverij Vassallucci
And from Belgium: Arcadim in Arcadië, De Leeskamer, Risee in Letterland and Tinemoniek publiek!.

This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

© translation Willem Groenewegen / /Rottend Staal Online 2004. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.