Kerryn Tredrea

      laatste update 8 november 2001

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  Pick me, 1996
stud boy
, 2001


Kerryn Tredrea is de eerste Australische dichteres die naar Epibreren gezwommen kwam vanuit Kensington Gardens in South Australia, op de vlucht voor het Nederlandse zwemgeweld dat down under woekerde. Naast dichter is ze moeder. Net als haar moeder, die Kerryn op die hete voorzomerdag van 26 oktober 1967 op de wereld zette. Ze publiceerde in het onovertroffen 'Jakk-Magazine' en in een bloemlezing. Gedichten van haar zijn te horen op de spoken word cd Looking for Japanese Porn. Over de Australische poëzie-scene schreef ze ons: 'Well, unless you're male, live in the eastern states (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane) and write about the bush, the drought or a sunset, you've got no
hope (in my opinion anyway). I have been sending my stuff for a while to competitions and magazines and the only interest I can get in being published are from Canada, the U.S. and now you guys. That being said, Tim [Gaze] and his mate Daniel from Paroxysm press are doing some different stuff and I am pleased to be involved with them also.'

Raadpleeg voor meer over Kerryn Tredrea.

Lips shine, pick mine.
Legs long, I'm strong.
Hips wide, they're my pride
Pick me.

Lips loose, mind the juice.
Want to find? I don't mind.
Hearts race, stand the pace
Love me.

Body slack, coming back.
How do you do? Number two.
How's that, balloon flat
Dear me.

Heavy step, have we met?
Why? How? Not now.
It is lost, count the cost
Flick me.

© Kerryn Tredrea, 1996/2000
uit: 'Jakk Magazine', Adelaide, Australia


what are you playing at stud boy?
looking at me with those small, dark eyes
and that tall, spikey hair of yours.
just what are you getting at?

what's the story stud boy?
standing there so slick and shiny and
spouting the anarchy that matches
the patches on your army pants.

and what are the studs
about anyway?

okay stud boy,
put your ego where your
zip is and your hand on
this stud, stud boy.

not so brave with the lights out
are you stud boy?
didn't know that your stud-cuffs
when they're tight around the bed post,
did you stud boy?

chin up stud boy.

chin up so i can tighten
your collar.
don't worry, it's real leather.
only the best for you, stud boy.

where did you go stud boy?
now all i've got left is
dud boy.
so long, stud boy.

© Kerryn Tredrea, 2001


Kerryn Tredrea:

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